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Meet the Team


 Integrity Health Alliance (IHA) is a Divinely inspired, Christ-centered, Lifestyle Medical Practice (LMP), run financially as a Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice and established Constitutionally as a Private Medical Association (PMA) under the authority of the 1st and 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution and legally as a Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC).


Distilling the above of all the legal jargon, we believe and embody a constitutionally protected, membership organization.

  • We are built on the foundation of mutual love.

  • We work consistently and wholeheartedly; our work is synonymous with our worship to the Lord.

  • We respect every life as endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights.

  • We  trust, we will increase in strength as stand for truth!


We believe in strength and wellness are key and have fitness center with an infrared sauna. We are actively searching for additional community building activities both by and for our members i.e. food co-ops, counseling, naturopathic medicine, and much more; if God sources our efforts.

We will faithfully stand together as a rallying point and muster station when the dark clouds are building on the horizon to see the clouds break open and reveal the bluest skies.

We hope this practice will be unlike any other medical practice you have been to....ever.

We value YOU!

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