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You know you're over the target when you start taking gunfire

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

If you hate going to the doctor's office but love going to Trops Gun Shop, then you're in luck. Integrity Health Alliance (IHA) is a medical practice unlike any doctor's office you've been to and is located on the second level of Trops Gun Shop in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. We are a new vision in a medical and restorative health practice. Entering the doors of IHA is like walking into an exclusive resort, not the DMV. You are treated like family, not a second class citizen.

In addition to traditional western medicine, our focus is on restorative health through diet, exercise, functional medicine, stress and inflammation reduction, correcting somatic dysfunction, as well as alternative medicine and nutraceuticals. On site we will have a sauna with far-infrared and halotherapy technology, hyperbaric oxygen, gym equipment with trainers, physical therapists, massage therapists and more.

Integrity Health Alliance is a Christ-centered medical practice built on a constitutionally protected and sustainable Direct Primary Care (DPC) model that does not bill commercial insurance or Medicare/Medicaid. By canceling your costly health insurance and purchasing medical share plans or health saving accounts you save a tremendous amount of money and rewards you for taking care of your health. Commercial insurance and MC/MA can still be billed by the patient for covered charges. Therefore, all of your payments go directly to patient care with the obtrusive government initiatives and requirements eliminated. All your records are the property of you and the membership organization which require a search warrant to access by anyone else. You maintain personal freedom and body autonomy.

Our goal is to keep you out of hospitals, urgent care centers and emergency departments. We will provide IV hydration, IV medications, IV vitamin infusions as well as minor medical procedures. Our physician is Dr Michael Knolle DO who has worked for over 17 years exclusively in hospitals on the receiving end of ambulances to admit, treat and discharge your family members. In the last 10 months he has lost two jobs at large medical institutions based on his beliefs of informed consent and body autonomy. All our founding practitioners of IHA have lost our jobs despite exemplary performance.

Our vision is expansive and we believe this to be the first of many locations because the need is great. It is beyond doubt that the foundations of our country are crumbling. We need to have a rallying point of like-minded individuals who can support one another during lean times. Many talented individuals are coming together with ideas of co-ops, education on gardening, canning, and sustainability. Much time and expense has been put in by our team of three in faith that we are following God's calling. This is where we ask for help from you.

There is strength in numbers. Please consider being a member of this practice as an alternative to the broken and imploding insurance medical system. Whether you come here for your medical needs or any of the other services we provide, we need members to help break the monopoly that has kept people hostage to government controlled healthcare institutions and insurance companies with artificially inflated prices.

Additionally, the only way in which this practice can succeed requires an initial boost until the required number of members have been onboarded. If you believe in this lifestyle ministry, please consider a one time donation.

Make it your New Year's resolution to slay a giant.

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